Friday, July 08, 2005

Twins, Communion, Civil and Sacramental Marriage and the Theology of the Body

Fr. John Oldfield, O.A.R., tells me that Pope John Paul II's theology of the body is quite different than St. Augustine's view of sexuality. The above link is to a blog entry by one of my favorite bloggers, "Clueless Christian." Scroll down to the 7/4/05 entry. It includes a modern Catholic view of love, sex, and marriage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoying your "discussion" very much. Thank you. Fr. Oldfield is an old friend of the family--he even sponsored my summer stay at the OAR monastary in Madrid in the summer of '73. I would love to know how to get in touch with him. Would you be so kind?

Best regards,
Dr. Joe Thomas

3:46 PM  

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